Support in My Home
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Support in My Home

what is visiting hospice?

Hospice Simcoe’s Visiting Hospice Service is a valuable part of the palliative approach to care in the community and provides social, emotional, spiritual and practical support to those who are living with a life-limiting illness. Our trained volunteers provide support in the comfort of your own home and add to the support provided by your existing care circle.

Examples of support may include:

  • Care for the caregiver
  • Support with legacy work/activities
  • Social, emotional companionship
  • Working together on hobbies and interests

next steps

Please contact our Community Care Coordinator, Danielle Marshall or Teneal Campbell, who will discuss your needs and answer any questions you have. A home visit will be scheduled to further discuss the program and to determine the best volunteer match for in-home visits.

You can reach Danielle or Teneal at 705-725-1140.

frequently asked questions

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Hospice Simcoe does not charge for our programs/ services. We rely on donations, including in memoriam gifts, general donations and third party events for 50% of our operating costs.

All volunteers sharing their time with clients & families in the community complete a rigorous screening, interview and application process including a police record check. Volunteers complete an initial 30 hr. training and continuous ongoing support is provided by Hospice Simcoe.

Hospice Simcoe’s Visiting Program covers Barrie and the surrounding area. This includes Innisfil, Utopia and sections of Springwater and Oro-Medonte. If you live outside of our catchment area, we will refer you to a Hospice in your area.

On average, our volunteers visit once a week for two hours. This is flexible and can be based on the needs of the client/family. This will be discussed during the initial intake with the Community Care Coordinator.

Need More Information?

At any time, please contact our Community Care Coordinators. Please provide your information below so we can connect with you.

If you need to speak with someone by phone, please contact our Office Administrator, Kerri Hallikainen at 705-725-1140, or email