
Volunteer newsletter

Volunteer Newsletter November 2020

Many who know Lynda Murtha, Fund Development Manager, would never guess she spent 20 years in politics before joining Hospice in June 2012. Lynda’s last 13 years in politics were with former MP/MPP Aileen Carroll,…

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Volunteer newsletter

Volunteer Newsletter October 2020

“In the darkest moments of our lives they (Hospice Simcoe) were there to help us through it.” Tanya Wright posted this on her Facebook in memory of her Dad, Gene Jespersen, who sadly lost his

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Volunteer newsletter

Volunteer Newsletter September 2020

Hike for Hospice 2020 is fast approaching and this year more than ever, we need you to get the word out. Start a team, collect some pledges or donate a few bucks of your own

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Volunteer Newsletter

Volunteer Newsletter August 2020

In ordinary times, a ceremony is held each spring to recognize volunteers across the province for providing committed and dedicated service to an organization. At that time 5 year, 10 year, 15 year etc. pins

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