Media and Stories

National Advance Care Planning Day

Tough conversations vital during coronavirus pandemic

It’s time for us all to have “the talk” — the talk about advance care planning. Advance care planning involves having conversations about future health-care needs (including end-of-life care) and making sure those close to…

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Hospice is here for you

Media Release – Hospice Simcoe is Here for You

Barrie, March 30, 2020 – Hospice Simcoe is here to provide support. We are adapting to this new normal and are finding new and different ways to continue supporting our community. The health, safety and

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help family with infant loss

Hospice Simcoe helps families dealing with infant loss

After trying to conceive for two years, Lauren received the news she had been waiting to hear. She and her partner were pregnant. Unable to contain her excitement, she began sharing the news with her

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CTV Article Daisy

CTV National News: Daisy the Hospice Dog

Thank you to Avis Favaro and Chris for stopping by Hospice Simcoe and sharing Daisy’s story with the country. We are very proud of the compassionate work Daisy performs here at Hospice Simcoe and are

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Share Your Story

We would love to connect with you and hear about your experience with Hospice Simcoe. We will often share people’s stories and experiences so others can better understand what we do and how we can be here for them. By sharing your story, you help us reach people who may need one or many of our programs and services.

Your story can make a difference in someone else’s life and help break down barriers some may have. Whether it be your personal story, your family experience or a small message, it is meaningful. Thank you for sharing.

If you wish to remain anonymous, or would prefer your story not be publicly shared, please let us know.